As a contractor, your website has one main function: Turn prospects into hot leads. Here are the two things you need for that to happen.
Speed Your website needs to load quickly. With most people having the attention span of a gnat these days, you don’t want them clicking away from your website because it took 6 seconds to load. It doesn’t matter how good your website looks or what it says if people never actually take the time to look at it.
Connection When it comes to hiring a contractor, trust is a big concern for most homeowners. The right kind of content on your website can create a connection between you and your prospect before they pick up the phone and call you for the first time.
Helpfulness I like beautiful websites, but a beautiful website doesn’t automatically equal quality leads. Your website needs to be helpful. In other words, customers need to find the answers they’re looking for when they browse your site. If all your site does is talk in vague generalities, it’s probably not very helpful. And you’re not likely to turn that website visitor into a real paying customer.
A great website is one of the Seven Pillars of Construction Marketing that successful construction companies use to grow their business.
Story Pro offers an affordable marketing audit that will measure your marketing against those six pillars.
To Your Success! Craig Miller Story Pro Marketing for Local Contractors
P.S. That helpfulness thing–it also improves your SEO.